A Stansted Mountfitchet school has been recognised for offering support to students who are young carers - ensuring they get the same education as their peers.

Forest Hall School received a bronze award from the Young Carers in Schools programme, which helps primary and secondary schools improve outcomes for pupils who care for someone at home.

The programme also celebrates good practice through the Young Carers in Schools Award.

Forest Hall achieved the award by demonstrating that it supports young carers with homework clubs and drop-in sessions, with a member of staff responsible for the vulnerable group of students.

Giles Meyer, chief executive at Carers Trust, said: "Schools play a vital role in a young carer’s life, as many care for relatives without their teachers even knowing what they do.

"On average, young carers will miss a day of school each month as a result of their caring role, so the steps schools take to identify and support them can have a huge impact on their learning, wellbeing and life chances."

At Forest Hall, information on how to identify if a young person may be a carer is made available to all school staff, and there are noticeboards and a webpage letting students know where to go for help.


Rebecca Millican, personal development and enrichment lead and young carers coordinator at Forest Hall, said: "I am thrilled that Forest Hall School has been recognised with the Bronze Award. It is important that young carers get the recognition and support they deserve."

According to The Children's Society, 74 per cent of schools which have a Young Carers in Schools Award have noticed improved attendance among their young carers, and 94 per cent have noticed improvements in their wellbeing and confidence.

The Young Carers in Schools programme is run jointly by The Children's Society and Carers Trust.

Data from The Children's Society has also found that 27 per cent of young carers aged 11 to 15 miss school or experience educational difficulties, while one in four young carers say they were bullied at school because of their caring role.

For more information go to https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/information/professionals/young-carers/schools-award.