Labour and R4U have announced their candidates for the Saffron Walden Town Council by-election in Castle and Little Walden ward.

The by-election takes place on Wednesday, June 12, with Cherry Parker standing as the Labour candidate and Lucy Brett for R4U.

Former councillor and community activist Cherry Parker has lived in the centre of Saffron Walden with her young family for several years, and has volunteered at Café Cornell and RAB Primary, as well as supporting local business start-ups.

Saffron Walden Reporter: (Left to right) Sophie Davis from UCAN, former Labour mayor Daphne Cornell and Cherry Parker(Left to right) Sophie Davis from UCAN, former Labour mayor Daphne Cornell and Cherry Parker (Image: North West Essex Labour)

Cherry has served as a councillor in Greenwich and has 25 years' experience campaigning on issues including waste management and clean energy.

Cherry said: "Our town council needs progressive voices, fresh ideas and more challenge and scrutiny.

"I will work constructively with other local councillors to ensure the council delivers more benefit for our community.

"I’m passionate about helping the most vulnerable in our society, supporting the growth of local businesses and volunteering, and ensuring council taxpayers’ money is spent wisely to deliver on community priorities."

Meanwhile, Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has announced district nurse Lucy Brett as their candidate for the seat.

Lucy said: "R4U have done an outstanding job since being elected to lead SWTC nearly a decade ago.

Saffron Walden Reporter: R4U candidate Lucy BrettR4U candidate Lucy Brett (Image: R4U)

"I watched them turn around what was a failing council, into one that is now multi-awarding winning, financially stable, and continually investing in our community.

"I’m passionate about protecting our town’s character, heritage and beauty. I want to join your residents’ team.

"If you elect me, I will work hard for all residents, support independent businesses and local events, and seek to enhance our public amenities and spaces."


Town and district councillor, and former mayor, Cllr Arthur Coote added: "Lucy Brett is a district nurse who has a career caring for people.

"She’s lived in Saffron Walden for over 30 years and so understands what residents need, and cares passionately about the town and its future."

The vacancy at the town council arose after Cllr Kirstie Frost stood down.

Ward councillor Heather Asker said: "We’d like to thank Kirstie for her five years of service for residents, her community passion and hard work."