The independent candidate has been announced for the upcoming Saffron Walden Town Council by-election.

David Sadler will run for the vacant seat in Castle and Little Walden ward on Wednesday, June 12.

The vacancy arose at the town council after Cllr Kirstie Frost stood down.

Community activist Cherry Parker and district nurse Lucy Brett have previously been announced as the Labour and R4U candidates respectively.

David, 38, lives in the Castle and Little Walden ward and works on Shire Hill. He has previously worked for various national civil rights organisations.

He said: "I want to not only provide a balanced, reasoned, opposition voice to R4U but get back to being a traditional ward councillor, working with all residents to resolve and raise issues on their behalf.

"It is easy to blame the government, the county council, or different bodies, people are fed up with hearing that, people want resolutions to problems and to be heard, and they want the people who represent them to take up their concerns on their behalf.

"Everyone who knows me will know that I will work tirelessly in this role."

David previously represented the ward on the district council from 2007 to 2015, on the town council from 2007 to 2019 and has also been a committee chairman and deputy mayor.

He added: "I am not standing to simply make up the numbers, or promote a party agenda, I am there as myself, to represent the views of local people from all political backgrounds and from all over the town.

"I come from a working-class, social housing background and I believe I can provide a different voice and represent ordinary people.


"Saffron Walden needs people on the council with a more diverse range of opinions than just one party (R4U).

"It is unhealthy for local democracy to have R4U control every town council seat. Having an opposition member will be a huge benefit to Saffron Walden."

David has reached out to residents through leaflets and on social media, asking them what issues they would like to see him take forward over the next three years.