A display will be up at St Mary's Church in Saffron Walden this Saturday with the detailed design for proposed new lighting.

Visitors can attend the gift day for the project from 11am to 4pm on Saturday, September 21, where they can find out more and donate if they wish.

Project leader Steve Hasler said: "A consultation on the concept design for the lighting held in April of this year was overwhelmingly positive and we now have the detailed design.

"In replacing the failing lighting throughout the church, we will remove the large, industrial-looking lighting, installed in the 1970s and 1990s, and replace it with LED fittings which will be barely visible.

"The new installation will reduce the carbon generated by the lighting by up to 80 per cent and our energy costs for lighting by a similar amount.


"Our next steps are to get the required approval from the Diocese for the new lighting and to raise funds so that we can progress the installation in 2025."

Tea, coffee and cakes will be available on the day.

The church has been offered match funding up to £25,000, so every pound donated is worth £2 to the project, and donations can be gift-aided.