A Newport woman who has cycled all over the world is taking on her latest challenge - cycling from Mongolia to London for charity.

Claire Wyatt, who cycled solo around Australia last year, set out on her epic journey on August 6, and is now more than 3,000km into her trip.

She is entirely self-supported on her journey - camping and carrying her own water and food.

Claire Wyatt braving the weather on her epic journeyClaire Wyatt braving the weather on her epic journey (Image: Claire Wyatt) Describing this trip as a "dream bucket list adventure", Claire said: "I have always wanted to ride across central Asia - to see the nomads in Mongolia and life in the 'stans."

So far Claire has travelled through Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

Along the way, Claire is aiming to raise £25,000 for the Mine Advisory Group (MAG), who clear landmines all over the world.

You can donate at https://www.justgiving.com/page/claire-wyatt-1715688854190.

She said: "I lived and worked for a cycling company in Cambodia for three years and I would cycle and see landmine warning signs so close to farms and where kids would be playing.

Claire is hoping to raise £25k for charityClaire is hoping to raise £25k for charity (Image: Claire Wyatt) "Landmines are still very prevalent in areas of conflict. MAG do incredible work clearing these mines. 

"In Cambodia, one person a week is injured or killed by a landmine. I hope to cycle into Azerbeijan and go on a project with MAG."

Claire, who was head girl at Newport Free Grammar School and used to play for Saffron Walden Hockey Club, says she has experienced "many acts of kindness" along her route.

She said: "From being hosted by the police and bought dinner to my pedal falling off and kind strangers helping me get to the next city!

Claire on her previous cycling trip in AustraliaClaire on her previous cycling trip in Australia (Image: Claire Wyatt) "It’s been amazing so far! Lots of crazy terrain in Mongolia, 15 river crossings in one day - a Mongolian dog followed me for 24 hours and camels everywhere!"


Claire began travelling the world by bike while running a cycling company in Cambodia before the pandemic.

After being made redundant, she solo cycled across Cambodia for three weeks, and has since cycled across Mallorca, Vietnam, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, from Land's End to John O'Groats and across Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way.

You can follow Claire on Instagram at @exploringbybicycle.