Community groups in Uttlesford can apply for a range of grants under a newly revamped scheme.

Uttlesford District Council has traditionally provided an annual grant for organisations across the district.

The scheme has now been adapted following discussions with voluntary and community organisations, town and parish councils and other statutory agencies.

From next year, grants will be awarded through a service specification process and run over a longer three-year period.

There will also be some money available for small, one-off projects which will launch in the New Year.

Application forms can be found at

All applications and supporting information must be sent to by 5pm on Friday, December 20.

Leader of the council Cllr Petrina Lees said: "We have a very proud record of funding our fantastic voluntary and community sector and we will continue to support it as much as we can.

"Unfortunately, like councils up and down the country, Uttlesford is facing significant financial challenges and there is simply less money to go round.

"This new grant funding arrangement seeks to make the best of the resources available, whilst providing guaranteed funding over a longer period to organisations that are doing great work in supporting our communities."